Few words about the blog

About me

My name is Krzysztof Ostaszewski I am a medical doctor (aka physician) working as an oncologist in Warsaw, Poland. That means prescribing chemo to patients to either cure them, increase their chance of achieving complete response, or prolong their life with best possible quality.

It’s a demanding task to which I’m fully devoted. I frequently enroll in workshops related to doctor-patient relationship as I find this skill crucial, only second to knowledge and clinical experience. That being said and contrary to popular belief, doctors also have non-medical hobbies. Mine happens to be computers.

If I hadn’t graduated medicine, I’d certainly major in IT. Ever since ca. 2010 when I discovered Linux I quickly became hooked on everything Open-Source related. I started tweaking my electronics, their OSes and this affection to nerdiness still lasts.

I manage quite large community of Polish doctors from all over the country. Frankly speaking, this was a turning point that made me learn to code webpages as I needed to maintain the blog and social platforms. Because of this most of my dev experience is web-oriented. Nevertheless I am eager to learn and gradually studying scientific languages (like R or Python) in the meantime.

I hope you will like what I write here. If you find my words inspiring, please do not hesitate to contact me. Here you have some links to stay in touch:

Why minDefRag?

The name of this site - minDefRag comes from a play on words and stands for “mind defragmantation”. This is a play of words that adequately describes the split of my mind that wants to explore both medicine and IT. Also, pardon my l33t as I was born in the 80’ - hence mDfRg.

Aim of this blog

There won’t be any guaranteed topics covered and no schedule at all. I will mainly describe what I am currently working on. However, there will be few key components this site may focus on:

  • technology, with Internet technology in particular, like:
    • web development
    • code learning
    • machine learning
    • system tweaks, especially Linux-oriented
  • thoughts about contemporary society, human relations - especially with reference to recent brisk development of new technologies and how they affect us
  • my own personal thoughts and feelings - just as you can expect from a blog (surprised?)